With God All Things are Possible | Matthew 19:26

The rich and the wealthy can be saved

The statement, “…with God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26) is the answer of Jesus to a question raised, “who then can be saved?” But before the exchange of question and the answer, understand the setting of the conversation. Jesus was talking to the disciples and the topic is about the rich man entering the kingdom of heaven.

The words of Jesus “it is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God” oftentimes, interpreted in the lens of “spiritual racial discrimination.” If you are poor, seems easier for you to go to heaven, and if you are rich, it is the opposite. If you are rich it seems impossible to enter into God’s kingdom. As Jesus said, “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than someone who is rich to go into the kingdom of God.” That is the reason the disciples asked, “who then can be saved?” In the midst of confusion among the disciples, Jesus clearly stated, “With man, this is impossible (salvation of the rich), but with God all things are possible.”

From a human perspective, it is impossible for a rich man to be saved and go to heaven. But because nothing is impossible with God, the salvation of the rich is possible. God is concerned for both the salvation of the rich and the poor. He loves the world, as stated in John 3:16. God loves us so much. He wants us to be saved and inherit eternal life. Whatever social status you belong to, God wants you to be saved.

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